Author: Laura Jackson | Credera
Author: Laura Jackson | Credera
Throughout the month of June, we at Credera were thrilled to join the world in celebrating Pride month 2023 with the theme “Gather, Dream, Amplify.” This month was a time for us to come together, reflect on our history, and acknowledge the work that lies ahead.
The journey toward equality and acceptance for the LGBTQ+ community has been a remarkable one. Since the first Pride march, individuals within the LGBTQ+ community have shown unwavering dedication in the fight for their rights. It is heartening to see that around the globe, countries have taken significant steps forward by legalizing homosexuality, granting personal and political rights, and recognizing equal partnerships. Previous milestones including the removal of homosexuality as a mental disorder in 1973 and its subsequent removal from the International Classification of Diseases in 1990 testify to the progress we have achieved.
This year, we celebrate a significant milestone—the 20th anniversary of repealing Section 28, the UK law that aimed to suppress LGBTQ+ visibility. The community stood strong, resisting attempts to silence their voices, and propelled us forward on the path to equality. While challenges still persist, we stand united, pushing for progress and ensuring we never forget why we cannot regress.
Pride month 2023 has been an extraordinary time filled with exciting events that connected our people across the globe. Here are some of the exciting celebrations and events.
This year’s Pride month saw the formation of our dedicated LGBTQ+ Committee in the UK. Our goal is to enhance education, provide support to our LGBTQ+ colleagues, and improve internal processes to better serve the needs of the LGBTQ+ community within Credera. This committee embodies our commitment to fostering an inclusive environment where everyone feels valued and celebrated. Together, we will create a workplace where diversity thrives, and everyone can be their most authentic selves.
Emily Hamilton, the founder and chair of Quins Pride, the world’s first and only LGBTQ+ supporter’s association in world professional rugby, joined us to share her expertise and advocacy against the unjust banning of trans players in sports. She enlightened us about the lack of substantial evidence behind these bans, explored their origins, and offered insights on how we can collectively challenge them. Emily debunked misconceptions perpetuated by the media and shed light on the surge of attention this topic has received.
From Mississippi to Chicago and Silicon Valley, B. has built their career around developing great products for amazing brands, while also working to enrich the community around them. A prominent advocate for inclusivity, acceptance, and openness in the workplace, B. Pagels-Minor offered invaluable insights into creating a more harmonious work environment.
With a wealth of personal experiences and innovative ideas, B. inspired us to foster inclusivity and emphasized the importance of diverse perspectives, recognizing that they lead to greater creativity and productivity. B’s powerful message highlights the need for organizations to create safe spaces that celebrate differences, challenge biases, and promote understanding.
Throughout June, our offices experienced a vibrant Pride takeover. Members of each office ventured out to an assortment of LGBTQ+-owned bars and shows, while others took part in a “That’s Drag” bingo event organized in our London office.
In U.S. offices, we celebrated with the first ever Pride carnival! We had our Pride compliments wall, popcorn and cotton candy machines, and a paper airplane contest.
We celebrated allyship as a Credera colleague shared their life map, an overview of major milestones and experiences in both their personal and professional lives. They discussed their relationship with their LGBTQ+ children and how their relationship evolved and strengthened as a result of the coming out process.
Over the course of the month, we hosted Teams challenges for Credera team members to engage in the discussion and be entered into a raffle. In conjunction with Credera staff participation, we also solicited donations to LGBTQ+ charities and offered to match contributions with an in-kind donation to The Trevor Project!
The Credera Book Club ran a Pride month special, encouraging its members to read The Little Book of Pride. This informative and accessible read delves into the history of the LGBTQ+ community before, during, and after the Stonewall riots. It has been a fascinating journey that has broadened our understanding and sparked meaningful conversations.
We wrapped up Pride month with a collaboration between the LGBTQ+ committee and Credera’s internal film club, HOME Cinema. Our chosen film for the month, Pride, celebrates the power of unity, resilience, and inclusivity. It was an evening filled with entertainment, empowerment, and companionship.
What’s next for us? We have taken this month as an opportunity to challenge our biases, broaden our perspectives, and continue fostering growth and change. By embracing our differences, we let our guards down, smile a little more, and connect deeply with those around us. It is in these moments that true learning happens, leading us toward lasting change.
We are also excited to announce that the LGBTQ+ Committee has gained new executive sponsors within Credera, who will support us in achieving our goals for the year. Our commitment to supporting, educating, and improving will extend far beyond Pride month, and we will continue to carry this spirit forward every day.
Moving forward, we will continue amplifying diverse voices, nurturing a culture of inclusivity, and championing the ongoing fight for the rights of the LGBTQ+ community worldwide.
Happy Pride month from all of us here at Credera!
Throughout Pride month, we shared and discussed numerous enjoyable and educational resources. Here are just a few that you can explore at your leisure:
What the Trans?
The Transgender Issue by Shon Faye
All of the Above by Travis Alabanza
Beyond the Gender Binary by Alok Vaid-Menon
We Can Do Better Than This
When We Rise (Disney+)
Disclosure (Netflix)